Be Still & Know | Silent Morning Retreat $75 CAD*

The most unexpected healing and understanding in my life have come when the conditions for deep rest have been available. More often than not it hasn't been easy to make time for the activity of non-activity. Though resistance to stopping, claiming and resting have played a part in my ability to prioritize rest, not having been able to do so, isn't a personal flaw. Our society and culture do not promote nor reward it - in fact, many of us do not know what feeling well-rested and at ease feels like. The Be Still & Know Retreat aims to remind us of the importance of honouring rest as a root aspect of belonging to our bodies and this world.

Plunge into a simple schedule designed to help you settle into the moment-to-moment unfolding of your experience and let the morning provide you with a stoping, calming and resting container from which to see more clearly the shape you find yourself in. Please look at the format and registration below, let me know if you need special accommodations and reach out directly if you have any questions or are hesitant. 

Dates, Location & Time

  • To join the Wednesday, February 8th, 7-7:30 PM EST Orientation:

    Click HERE.

    During the orientation, we will address space set-up, schedule, posture variations, any questions you might have about the format of our time together, as well as, how to generate the most supportive conditions to practice from home.

  • To join the Sunday, February 12th, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST Retreat: 

    You’ll receive an email from Ronit with a zoom link and password approximately two days prior to the start of the retreat.

Who can benefit from this retreat?

This retreat is designed for anyone looking to experiment with more extended periods of practice, especially silent practice. The format and schedule are designed with care and friendliness towards our physical form in mind. Practice periods are 25 minutes each and posture variation is welcomed.

If you are drawn to meditation practice for mental health and grounding purposes, to get to know yourself better and carve some quiet time in your day, to come closer to your moment-to-moment experience or to support creative endeavours, this is the place for you.

What you’ll need

  • Computer, tablet or smartphone.

  • Stable internet connection.

Prepared space
Find a quiet room where you feel at home and clear some space for the meditation/yoga gear of your choice. Sitting on a chair or cushion, lying down on your back or standing, are all welcomed postures for practice.

Let your friends, family and pets know how to support you while you take this time for yourself. Alternatively, invite them to retreat alongside you.

Gear & Supports
You know your body best! Trust your intuition and make sure to have the support necessary: A meditation cushion (zafu), meditation mat (zabuton), yoga mat, a bolster, a set of blankets or towels to fold and place as posture aids and liquids for hydration, will all come in handy at different times of the retreat. More on this will be shared at the 30 min orientation scheduled for the Wednesday prior to the start of the retreat, 7:00-7:30 PM.

*Let me know of any accommodations I can make to welcome you fully.

Sample Schedule

8:25 ready to start
8:30 guided sit
8:55 stretch
9:00 silent sit
9:25 stretch

Breakfast, rest, exercise or creative endeavour

10:30 silent sit
10:55 stretch
11:00 dharma talk/reading
11:25 stretch
11:30 silent sit
11:55 stretch
12:00 dharma sharing
12:30 closing